Aayushi Sanghavi

Aayushi Sanghavi is a Content Marketing Specialist at G2. After graduating with a degree in communication and psychology, she found her interest in writing on the internet. She has written about Customer Service, Tech Verticals, and currently shares expertise in the UX and Data Science spaces. She is curious about project management methodologies and process optimization. In her free time, she volunteers at animal shelters, dancing or attempting to make digital art.


7 Best Practices to Handle (and Ace) Customer Interactions

For every interaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


The Importance of Online Review Quantity for Businesses

“Less is more,” but not when it comes to collecting online reviews.


51 Machine Learning Statistics to Get You Thinking

If machine learning were a kid in school, it would be the most brilliant and coolest student.


35 Sales Enablement Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind

You were banking on your sales team to increase business growth, and it fell short. You can’t seem...

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