Timely. When she isn't writing or researching, she can be found trying out different productivity techniques, cooking plant-based food, and planning her next trip. "> Learn Hub | G2 | Selene Nelson Timely. When she isn't writing or researching, she can be found trying out different productivity techniques, cooking plant-based food, and planning her next trip. "> Timely. When she isn't writing or researching, she can be found trying out different productivity techniques, cooking plant-based food, and planning her next trip. ">

Selene Nelson

Selene Nelson is a freelance lifestyle writer who has written for the BBC, The Independent, The Sunday Times, and HuffPost. ​​She is the author of two books and blog contributor for Timely. When she isn't writing or researching, she can be found trying out different productivity techniques, cooking plant-based food, and planning her next trip.


What Is Time Blocking? A Beginner's Guide

No matter how well we try to plan our day, be more productive, and simply get more done, time seems...

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